Lockdown #8: Social Reflection
Gradually emerging from this pandemic deep freeze
Restrictions slowly lifted with gradual ease
But we couldn’t turn up
To the Melbourne Cup
We still can’t quite do just as we please
Results uncertain in the election poll
We’d hope they’d restore the American soul
An end to racism
The nasty narcissism
Four years of Donald Trump have taken their toll
Now Trump’s going to challenge the results in court
Stop the counting and claim an election rort
He won’t go quietly
Or leave with dignity
He’ll invoke legal chaos as a last resort
Back home we need to get this virus arrested
So why’s it still take so long to get tested
In long queues we wait
Then three days it takes
For results of if COVID has manifested
Political visions in Canberra stuck like glue
We need leadership from people with more of a clue
Environmental short cuts
Integrity cover-ups
Filthy coal, fracking gas to 2052
Cometh the COVID, so cometh the hour
For a renewable energy superpower
Don’t be a Nero
Let’s aim for zero
No time to fiddle, need climate action now
So off with the ugg boots and trackie dacks
Ironed a shirt, got the suit off the rack
A mask but no tie
A bit virus shy
Ventured to the City, finally allowed back
On the beers at the Spready but got a sunburnt face
Went shopping but couldn’t find a parking place
Need reassimilation
From hibernation
So long estranged from the urban rat race
New Zealand won the rugby Bledisloe
All Blacks too strong, young Wallabies too slow
As for Melbourne Storm
Where winning’s the norm
And we’re back with our Boxing Day cricket show
We’ve all dealt with lockdown in different ways
Many have suffered throughout this malaise
Such discontent
Wouldn’t relent
The mental scars and anguish of empty days
By acting strictly on advice of science
Bankers face thousands of distressed clients
More emotional grief
When job keepers cease
No more mortgage deferrals and welfare reliance
What will the term COVID bring to future minds
Not just a virus but an historic time
About social conscience
The political nonsense
Civil liberties vs towing the line
In Victorian’s finest hour, we were totally ridiculed
The Treasurer’s speech, blatantly political
About what we cost
Our financial impost
Cast scorn on his State, shamefully despicable
Dan faced the daily media, challenged and lynched
But our stoic Premier never flinched
He might’ve stuffed up
But he fixed it up
Under all that pressure, didn’t give an inch
So our Premier’s legacy has now been cast
His COVID credentials nailed on the mast
But he led from the front
He took all the brunt
So let’s just rejoice because we’re free at last
And reflect on the plight of our American friends
As the once superpower sadly descends
Into total anarchy
The people are panicky
Their meltdown starts as our lockdown ends.
Kevin Holmes • 4th November 2020