Meltdown #6: Social Knife Edge

I had hoped to run out of COVID events
To write limericks with more of a climate bent
But while mountains are melting
This bug is still belting
And cunningly contorts and reinvents

It started with the D cluster waves of Bondi
Jumping States, it grew from a limo and one guy
A changing of baton
A recurring pattern
A fleeting infection as he simply brushed by

Now Sydney’s locked down with much uproar
While toilet paper promptly rolled out the door
It was Gladys’s show
But too late and too slow
Surged across country as Corona cases soared

So we’re teetering now on a national knife edge
Without the vaccines that were supposed to be pledged
We can’t take a trick
Or beat time with a stick
We’re sitting ducks on water, exposed and unhedged

But it’s no wonder we’re still being contaminated
With only six percent fully vaccinated
This sluggish pace
Should be a race
With Delta our threat is exacerbated

So under 40s can now be Astra Zenecans
Higher risk versus rare blood clot specimens
A tight vaccine market
All eggs in one basket
A mad scramble to find replacement medicines

Privileged people are pleading to just let it rip
But it won’t be them that die or get very sick
They’re all right Jack
Give their elite lives back
They’re desperate to go on their overseas trip

But where’s the road map for after we’ve all had the shot
Give us the vision, will we travel or not?
This way is thoughtless
We can’t stay a fortress
Or do we have to wait ‘till the election, Scott?

While it’s still all COVID on which we fixate
We’ve had yet more cancer cruelty of late
Where many have grieved
Leaving loved ones bereaved
Now prostate cancer’s caught my dear Kiwi mate

Barnaby’s back with bad wind in his sails
Red faced, frothing, fattened and stale
He has cleared off his desk
For affairs he does best
Net zero 2050 is again derailed

He’ll continue to pander to the coal communities
Depriving them of emerging job opportunities
In clean technologies
His warped ideologies
As he buries his hat to the climate emergency

Still no plan or emissions reduction target
Killed in the climate teacup, before the storm started
No carbon countdown
A massive meltdown
Environmental reprobates, progress retarded

And re-emerging troubles of a religious order
It’s the Northern Ireland maritime border
From Boris’s BREXIT
A brewing dog’s breakfast
Back to bombings, murders, mayhem and disorder

International conspiracy theories abound
Did COVID come from bats or a place more profound
There’s increasing conflab
About a Wuhan lab
But will this pandemic’s origin ever be found?

Kevin Holmes • 29th June 2021


Meltdown #7: Social Inoculation


Meltdown #5: Social Alliteration