Meltdown #20: Social Entertainment
Last weekend we wound our summer clocks forward
More daylight hours to keep ourselves bored
But every day in containment
There’s political entertainment
A distraction as Melbourne’s COVID rates soared
Firstly how about Gladys Berejiklian
What a prickly predicament that she is in
Many questions to answer
Like her choice of partner
And just what the hell did she see in him?
Called up by the independent corruption commission
That some would describe as a Spanish inquisition
So she fell on her sword
To appear at that board
To explain if she abused her trusted position
Maybe Gladys thought she wouldn’t be caught
With dodgy Daryl and his funding rort
So she didn’t declare
Her secret affair
But such conflicts of interest you must report
Now fresh calls for a Federal integrity body
To investigate government games, so shoddy
But this ethical watchdog
Is a political hotdog
It’s a Kangaroo court, cried Barnaby’s lobby
So all this kerfuffle has paved the way
For a new NSW Premier in Dominic Perrottet
A Donald Trump fan
Very much his own man
Can’t wait for clashes with Annastacia Palaszczuk
Our hospital systems are bleeding cash
After years of neglect when State budgets were slashed
But as everyone braces
For a surge in cases
Calls for funding transfusions from the Federal stash
And the vaccine debate’s got highly inflammatory
Should governments or bosses make it mandatory
Or simply a condition
Of a job or position
But who bears liability if the rules are not statutory?
Free markets fast-tracked these vaccine varieties
Now vaccines will resurge free market societies
But for global vaccination
Into poorer nations
We’ll need cheaper brands that are not so proprietary
Boris’s Brexit Britain is running on empty
Supermarket shelves stripped, supply crises aplenty
And power price inflation
Fist fights at fuel stations
Truck delivery drivers denied British entry
And speaking of entry, will our PM get admission
To COP26, if he keeps the coal in Coalition
There may not be a spot
A Scotland without Scott
Or will he stay home from Glasgow at his own volition?
But climate will define the twenty first century
Those who turn up will be part of history
Not held to ransom
By political factions
Confining our planet to a burning rotisserie
Over the submarine contract there’s still quite a stench
Our Trade Minister’s in Paris trying to meet with the French
Just prenez un grip
Boris Johnson quipped
But our European trade deal’s indefinitely benched
While none of these leaders are COVID crusaders
I blame Gladys for allowing Delta to invade us
Should’ve shut Bondi down
Before Delta crossed town
Then infected this State and our trans-Tasman neighbours
So we’ve succumbed to just letting our leaders entertain
Their tragic theatrics and frustrating refrain
But a run to unwind
Or ride to clear my mind
Is my daily cycologist …. and my regime to stay sane!!
Kevin Holmes • 8th October 2021