Lockdown #3: Social Deprivation

It should have been the grand final and warmer weather
But we tuned in to Dan to find out whether
We can enjoy ourselves
Like everyone else
Melbournians are at the end of their tether

The Premier’s briefing has such personal impact
Our wellbeing, our lives are under attack
Enough testing and tracing
And isolating
We desperately waited for numbers and facts

He announced cases are lower, we’ve held the line
But he can’t ease restrictions, just a higher fine
Though community transmission
Is in remission
We’ll still have to wait for 3-weeks’ time

Some people back to work, curfew lifted
But the pathway back, has barely shifted
Five in a park
Within a 5K arc
Not ‘till cases reach five, will our freedom be gifted

Dan’s generosity knows no bounds
At least kids can play in public playgrounds
But the ring of steel
He enforces with zeal
Even though our infection rates are down

Still barred from bolting to a beckoning beach
Rules our leader continues to preach
Still impounded
Totally grounded
Our holiday sanctuaries out of reach

Now private security guards - who made that decision?
It’s the media story, that’s stirring derision
Lies and deception
Is the Sky News perception
Salivating to cause political division

We don’t want to babysit, said Victoria Police
Returning travelers, ordering Uber Eats
With no accountability
For hotel security
The virus broke out in Melbourne streets

So he threw his Health Minister under the bus
Blamed her for this private security fuss
Jenny Mikakos
A political carcass

But can Dan now restore his personal trust
Grounded hog day, too much time to think
Can’t wait to have that night-time drink
Or an eating binge
That’d make you cringe
So many Melbournians are on the brink

My daughter has had a year 12 from hell
No gatherings, no social life, no morning bell
Virtual education
With social deprivation
Online lessons, assessments as well

Thank God my Aunts aren’t in Aussie Aged Care
With a lack of PPE, no training with the gear
Elderly were neglected
They died disrespected
While cut off from families, they loved so dear

And there’s a five-year-old boy, up in Thailand way
He misses his father, stuck in W.A.
His Dad’s my brother
They miss one another
When are you coming home Papa, I want to play

Now the Corona story, we must behold
Is how we willingly let our lives be controlled
We’ve withstood the test
Of house arrest
We sucked it up and did as we were told

But while other countries and our fellow States
Enjoy active lives with family and mates
We’re hermits down here
It’s the lost frontier
The longest world lockdown that never abates

It’s an eery new dawn, more COVID living
Empty streets and sports still forbidden
With no commuting
Less polluting
But 800 deaths cannot be forgiven

Finally spare a thought, for the youth of today
What future, no jobs, the planet in decay
A generational vendetta
If we don’t build back better
We can’t bequeath climate change, plus debt to repay

Kevin Holmes • 27th September 2020


Lockdown #4: Social Idiocracy


Lockdown #2: Social Meltdown