Meltdown #27: Social Affliction
Dear Scott … can your leadership get any worse
Not ordering enough test kits is beyond perverse
You ignored the prediction
Of the rate of affliction
We’re falling like flies with this Omicron curse
While I’m fighting this virus in home isolation
My body and brain in deep hallucination
Like a lethargic log
In a feverish fog
I dared to dream you no longer ran our nation
Your utter incompetence simply astounds us
You fiddle while Omicron rages around us
This delayed booster round
And no testing kits around
In the hundreds of thousands this virus grounds us
You ignorantly boasted we’re living with COVID
Before we could get boosted and fully antidoted
Record cases each day
That you simply downplay
It’s on your watch that Omicron’s exploded
Why you left us exposed is recklessly senseless
You opened the country and left us defenseless
Massive testing lines
Eight hour waiting times
With the most contagious variant of COVID against us
You were warned as loudly as a tsunami alarm
When there was still enough time to protect us from harm
But you just didn’t care
You let Omicron come here
Before we could get booster shots in our arm
When testing sites collapsed from constant battery
You said home Rapid Tests would be satisfactory
But no shops had RATs kits
As scarce as pink bat shit
Because you failed to order them from the RAT kit factory
You’ve let Omicron run rip to the highest of rungs
Your Treasurer and the GG have now succumbed
And one and a half million more
This is a new COVID war
Even Turnbull, the former PM that you shunned
Front line workers are struggling with unrelenting workload
Especially when thousands of their colleagues are furloughed
Taking enormous strain
A broken supply chain
They’re tired, exhausted, and stalling by the truckload
Your cross-court backhand over Djokovic’s visa
You thought it would be a political pleaser
A vote-winning coup
But the Joker’s on you
Game, set, match to you, or the Serbian geezer?
But when it comes to failures, you’ve won the grand slam
A quaddie of disasters all down to one man
No test kits, no track and trace
Last man to the vaccine race
And no new quarantine facilities in the land
Has there ever been a crisis to which you haven’t arrived late
You turn a problem to disaster every step you take
You didn’t plan ahead
To limit the spread
Your prime ministership’s defined as a litany of mistakes
So Scott … why didn’t you order enough home test packs
Whenever you are asked, you just turn your back
Always out of your hands
No procurement plans
Just like the Pfizer, you were too slow to react
You were hellbent on the economy opening up
You reprehensively let this virus erupt
It’s all about the election
No longer our protection
Couldn’t let a little Omicron wave interrupt
You’ve dangerously dragged us down to the riptide
Drowning in disease, dispatched and drip-dried
And we’ll still feel afflicted
Until you’re finally evicted
You’re a cracked record Scomo …. it’s time for the flipside!
Kevin Holmes • 15th January 2022