Warfare #1: Social Invasion

Dear Vladimir, your cronies, and wealthy oligarchs
Stop bombing Ukraine, and tearing its people apart
Your military might
Will not win the fight
For sovereignty over their minds and hearts

For the USSR, you harbour personal remorse
But you can’t regain past glory, by brutal force
You’re not Peter the Great
No more satellite states
The days of Greater Russia, have run their course

Your rewriting of borders is plainly preposterous
Just to access Crimea to get to the Bosporus
You can’t reclaim your empire
Raining bullets and shellfire
Your bullying behaviour is manically monstrous

Such a delusional territorial claim
On neighbouring, peaceful, democratic Ukraine
Has no world support
We suggest you abort
Your unjustified brutal insurgent campaign

Admittedly this war is not the first occasion
When a world power has launched an unjust invasion
But the Iraq incursion
Was an ill-fated excursion
Unleashing terror and decades of devastation

You’ve disdain for Ukraine people and its borders
Showering its cities with missiles and mortars
You’re crazy, idiotic
Deranged and despotic
When you threatened high alert with nuclear orders

But when our sanctions bite, your economy will crash
Already your banks are running out of cash
And when they get tougher
Your people will suffer
Your reputation is already irreparably smashed

Your tanks and trucks have reached the city surrounds
Your bombs have forced people to shelter under ground
Many have taken up arms
To keep their country from harm
They’ll fight to their death, until the last siren sounds

Defending the freedom of their sovereign nation
Confronting your brazen, territorial violation
Fighting hand in glove
For the country they love
Determined to repel your evil occupation

The first European war in this modern era
A million women and children fleeing your terror
To Poland, tired and hungry
Warmly welcomed in Hungary
Your invasion has been a most arrogant error

You’re a pariah state, a despised enemy
Not the way to act in the 21st century
The whole world is at one
Sending much-needed guns
Your invasion condemned in the UN Assembly

So whatever your grievances Vladimir Putin
This war of aggression is not the solution
The country you’re crushing
Doesn’t want to be Russian
Ever since the Soviet Union dissolution

You’re taunting and tormenting the whole wide-West
You rant, you rave, you beat your big Russian chest
But we’ll tighten our sanctions
Until they get traction
Your invasion must fail, or what will you do next!

And because of you Vladimir, we look worriedly on
What will China now do, in its claim for Taiwan
Will they too attack
To claim Taipei back
Respect the rule of law, and get back where you belong

How many lives must be lost, in the name of Putin vanity
Or cities destroyed, due to your insanity
Such a heavy-handed war
To grab the land next door
Please get out of Ukraine …. for the sake of all humanity!

Kevin Holmes • 4th March 2022


Warfare #2: Social Chameleon


Meltdown #28: Social Democracy